ほのぼのジュリーさんとチェリアとロキ・オランウータン 2025/01/19
- Опубликовано: 9 фев 2025
- 室内放飼場のジュリーさんとチェリア、キキとロキ。
①ジュリー(julie)♀1965/05/06 ジプシーの第1子 チェリアの養母
②チャツピー(chappy)♀1973/02/26 ジプシーの第3子
③キキ(kiki)♀2000/10/21 インドネシア、タマンサフアリー生まれ
④アピ(api)♂2014/06/19 チャッピーの第6子
⑤ロキ(loki)♂2018/06/29 キキの第2子
⑥ホッピー(hoppy)♂2020/10/30 チャッピーの第7子
⑦キュー(que)♂1969? 幼いころ横浜港の船の中で発見
⑧ボルネオ(borneo)♂1985/04/25 シンガポール生まれ アピ、ホッピー、ロキの父親
⑨チェリア(ceria)♀2014/11/19 よこはま動物園ズーラシア生まれ 人工保育 2016/12/25母親のバレンタインと一緒に多摩へ来園
ジュリーが代理母となってチェリアの面倒をよく見ている バレンタインは2019/03/25横浜へ戻る
Orangutan members at Tama Zoo
①Julie♀1965/05/06 Gypsy's first child, Ceria adoptive mother
②Chappy♀1973/02/26 Gypsy's third child
③Kiki♀2000/10/21 Born in Taman Sahuari, Indonesia
④Api♂2014/06/19 Chappy's sixth child
⑤Loki♂2018/06/29 Kiki's second child
⑥Hoppy♂2020/10/30 Chappy's seventh child
⑦Que♂1969? Discovered on a ship in Yokohama Port when young
⑧Borneo♂1985/04/25 Born in Singapore. Father of Api, Hoppy, and Loki.
⑨ Ceria (♀) Born on November 19, 2014 at Yokohama Zoo Zoorasia. Raised by hand. Arrived in Tama on December 25, 2016 with her mother Valentine. Julie is the surrogate mother and takes good care of Ceria. Valentine returned to Yokohama on March 25, 2019.
Julie ist eine süße ältere Dame ❤
Yes,she is!! But Loki torments her and Ceria picks at her skin all the time😢😢 But she still gets around pretty good!!❤
Da freut mich ❤
This is the first time I've seen Orangutans eating 💩 poop! I've seen gorilla's do that. I know that usually when dogs do that it's because they are lacking certain minerals in their diet. I wonder if it's the same with apes!?! I still haven't figured out why they drink urine 😅
Crappy concrete jungle. Nothing for them to eat, no soft grass or trees. Really in poor condition.😢